Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Graduate School Sweethearts

I met my friend Meredith in college, as we lived on the same freshman dorm floor. Her and her now husband Jim met in criminal law class while at the University of Miami School of Law and fell for one another. While visiting her parents in Tampa, Meredith admired a ring at a store. Jim had to have Meredith's parents buy the ring and met him halfway to do the exchange. 

After Meredith returned home from a work trip, it was Valentine's Day, 2006. Lovesick Jim actually had the flu and was running a 100 degree fever, but that didn't stop him from proposing to Meredith at the Rusty Pelican on Biscayne Bay. They were made in the shade with a glass of lemonade! Their wedding took place on the north shore of Hawaii the following year. With their offices one office apart, Meredith and Jim are both prosecutors.

I present to you above a picture of Meredith and Jim outside the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin from a couple of years ago.


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